This document discusses how to size a pump.
- Equations
- Parameters
This is a nice technical bulletin from AICHE, for those who are interested in Engineering and Sizing.
Supporting Tool
Line Sizing Tool is a tool to calculate the pressure drop and velocity through piping. This will help in sizing your pump.
Cited References
- Perry, R. H., and Green, D. W., “Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook,” 8th Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, p. 6-18 (2007).
- Moran, S., “An Applied Guide to Process and Plant Design,” Butterworth-Heinemann Oxford, U.K. (2015).
- Genić, S., et al., “A Review of Explicit Approximations of Colebrook’s Equation,” FME Transactions,39, pp. 67–71 (June 2011).
- Zigrang, D. J., and N. D. Sylvester, “Explicit Approximations to the Solution of Colebrook’s Friction Factor Equation,” AIChE Journal,28 (3), pp. 514–515 (May 1982).
- Haaland, S. E., “Simple and Explicit Formulas for the Friction Factor in Turbulent Flow,” Journal of Fluids Engineering,105 (1), pp. 89–90 (1983).
- Huddleston, D., et al., “A Spreadsheet Replacement for Hardy--Cross Piping System Analysis in Undergraduate Hydraulics,” Critical Transitions in Water and Environmental Resources Management, pp. 1–8 (2004).